Our Life and Health Exam Prep Package is designed for the following exams:
- Life exam
- Health exam (in some states the health insurance exam is known as either the Accident and Health exam or the A&H exam or the Disability exam)
- Life and Health exam
- Life and Health Consultants/Counselors exam
Our Property and Casualty Exam Prep Package is designed for the following exams:
- Property exam
- Casualty exam
- Property and Casualty exam (personal lines and commercial lines)
- Personal Lines Property and Casualty exam
- Surety exam
- Adjusters exam. (IMPORTANT NOTE: Although our course is not specifically designed for the Adjusters exam, students do find our course very helpful for that exam. Also, it is our understanding that a few states permit individuals seeking their Adjuster’s license to take the Property and Casualty exam instead of the Adjusters exam. In those states, our Property and Casualty course works well. Your department of insurance will know whether it allows you to take the Property and Casualty exam in lieu of the Adjusters exam. Please find out for sure before you needlessly take the wrong exam.)
- property and Casualty Consultants exam