Yes. The insurance exams are difficult. It takes solid preparation using the best course materials available. The first time passing rate averages around 40-60%, depending on which exam you are taking.

How do you beat those odds?
We recommend that you plan to prepare for approximately three weeks in advance of when you are scheduled to take the exam. We have spent over 2000 hours putting together our exam prep materials and Professor Furniss has helped over 10,000 individuals like you obtain and maintain their professional insurance licenses. With the right material and with some good old fashioned elbow grease, you should soon pass your exam.

After you have taken your required education, and you find yourself in need help passing the exam (many students do), consider our course and exam prep materials. Professor Furniss designed his materials to help you pass the exam the fastest and easiest way possible. You will need to supplement our materials with the state insurance rules provided to you from your prelicensing education provider in order to best prepare for the exam.