Our National Exam Prep Packages include every exam prep tool we offer in a single package. Specifically, they include a(n):

  • Easy To Read Manual.  Our course packages include a comprehensive, yet easy to read, manual with important test points highlighted, each paragraph star ranked based on topic importance, critical test points identified, and loads of examples.Here is what Joe, one of our very satisfied customers from Virginia, had to say  about our manual:

    “Sorry I have not been able to get back to you, I have been really busy trying to run one business I own while studying for the insurance exams and getting everything in place with the insurance business purchase. I read your entire book in 3 days. Not only to get as much material in my head as possible, but because it was actually interesting reading. I don’t know how you do it, but your books are so much easier and more enjoyable to read than anything else I have put in my hands. I also have two other well-known companies’ books that I have used in getting my license but there is absolutely no comparison in the books. I am not just saying it to be nice. I hope everyone is able to find you on the internet because not only are you a great group of guys, your books are incredible. You will hear more from me and I WILL be sending many more people your way. I will not forget what you guys did for me. If you ever want a testimonial for your advertising let me know, I would be honored to share my experience with everyone. Thanks once again.″

  • Interactive, Mobile Friendly Course Files.  Our National Exam Prep Packages also include a collection of interactive, mobile friendly course files that focus your attention on critical test points and include the following interactive learning components:
    • Quick Review Slide Show  with Rapid Fire Question and Answer Drills, designed to let you speed up your learning
      time by quickly reviewing key points and testing your ability to answer key questions;
    • Exam Review Mode,  designed to allow you to practice multiple choice questions like the ones on your real exam and receive instant feedback on each question along with answer explanations so you are not left wondering why you missed the question;
    • Exam Simulation Mode,  which provides the same questions found in Exam Review Mode, but timed, like the real exam (our test bank is one the most comprehensive and well written test banks that we are aware of);
    • Super Sheets  for each chapter of material, which are Professor Furniss’ version of cheat sheets designed to condense the material even further enabling you to do last minute cramming. (We also developed a Super Sheet for math problems and formulas, and another Super Sheet for key numbers tested on the exams.)
    • Unlimited Help.  Our course packages include help from Professor Furniss and his team of trained professionals, which gives you the edge needed on the exam. Professor Furniss provides you with his direct contact information as well.
    • Free Time Extensions.  While our full exam prep course automatically provides 60 days’ access to our course files, we provide free 60 day time extensions if you need more time to prepare for the exam. We want to assist you in passing your exam in the fastest and most efficient manner possible.

Important Note:  Our course packages are designed to help you pass the exam. Consider using our course materials only after you have taken an approved Michigan prelicensing education course, and need help passing your exam. Our focus in Michigan is to help you pass your insurance licensing exam the fastest and easiest way possible. We have not applied to become an approved prelicensing education provider in Michigan. Purchasing our materials does not meet your prelicensing education requirement. You will need to supplement our materials with the Michigan specific rules provided by your prelicensing education provider.