Our National Practice Questions Package includes access to the test bank only. The test bank does contain all of the same test questions as our National Exam Prep Package. And, you can practice questions in Exam Review Mode or Exam Simulation Mode, or both. Practice Questions Package provide you with:
- Exam Review Mode, designed to allow you to practice multiple choice questions like the ones on your real exam and receive instant feedback on each question along with answer explanations so you are not left wondering why you missed the question.
- Exam Simulation Mode, which provides the same questions found in Exam Review Mode, but timed, like the real exam (our test bank is one the most comprehensive and well written test banks that we are aware of).
- The Practice Questions Package does not include our manual, Quick Review Slides with Rapid Fire Q&As, or Super Sheets.
- 60 days’ access.
If you want Super Sheets in addition to our Practice Questions, you should purchase our National Practice Questions PLUS Package. If you want all of our learning tools, which we highly recommend, you should purchase our National Exam Prep Package.
Important Note: Our course packages are designed to help you pass the exam. Consider using our course materials only after you have taken an approved Indiana prelicensing education course, and need help passing your exam. Our focus in Indiana is to help you pass your insurance licensing exam the fastest and easiest way possible. We have not applied to become an approved prelicensing education provider in Indiana. Purchasing our materials does not meet your prelicensing education requirement. You will need to supplement our materials with the Indiana specific rules provided by your prelicensing education provider.